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Happy Spring Day & Cap Classique Day! One day only…15% off our Skaamgesiggie Pinot Noir Brut MCC

By August 31, 2020Uncategorized

The story of the Skaamgesiggie – Protea pudens

The Bashful Sugarbush occurs only in the Elim Fynbos to the east of Elim. It is threatened by agriculture, which has destroyed most of its habitat, and by alien invasive plants, which threaten 82% of its populations. Fortunately for all plant lovers, this species occurs in the nature reserve just outside of Elim. Flowering in winter, the Bashful Sugarbush keeps its seeds on the plant and only releases them after it is killed by fire. The seeds germinate after the winter rains, and the plants take 3-4 years to flower.

Considering how rare it is, it is surprising that it has so many common names: Creeping Protea, Groundrose Sugarbush, Minor Protea, Aardroos, Kleinsuikerbos, Minor, Ranksuikerbos, Skaamblommetjie, Skaamgesiggie, Skaamsuikerbos.

Obviously, its fame and popularity extend well beyond Elim. Visit the nature reserve and see this plant for yourself. It is part of our floral and cultural heritage. (Credit:

The Skaamgesiggie is a very rare and endangered protea which grows naturally only around the Elim area. It occurs only in four know localities within a 67km2 area. This timid flower is endemic to the Strandveld biosphere and is so endangered that it has been classified as a ‘red data’ species. It has unique downward hanging flowers and very delicate fine wispy leaves.

The Skaamgesiggie protea is the perfect inspiration for our delicious Pinot Noir Méthode Cap Classique.It too is a rare find, endemic to Elim and beautifully pink and delicate.

To celebrate Cap Classique day which perfectly coincides with Spring Day, we are offering a one day only 15% discount on purchases of our 2018 Strandveld Skaamgesiggie Pinot Noir Brut. Use the coupon MCC on checkout to secure your discount.